Einstein once said that “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world, those who understand it, earn it, those who don’t pay it.”
He was on to something there, to really understand compound interest first we need to look at simple interest. […]
The big question a lot of our mortgage brokers get asked is “What is the interest rate doing?”
One of them even invested in a crystal ball to check it every other day, but seriously. It’s one of those questions which isn’t always easy to answer unless you know the future. […]
I had someone ask me the other day.
“I am employed and enrolled with Kiwi Saver at my bank as it was all I knew, and I didn’t put much thought in it at the time.
Now my colleague has a KiwiSaver managed by her financial adviser, which made me think of my current KiwiSaver situation. […]
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